Original Art Captures:
Your original is either scanned or photographed in sections and then stitched together to ensure maximum print quality and ability to enlarge. Having your original art captured by us will produce stunning results, and is usually very difficult to tell it from the original piece. We use 99+ CRI lighting that was custom made and designed to be incredibly color accurate, avoid glare, shadows, hot spots, and allow for the resulting prints to look their best.
Original Art Capture is a bundled service which includes creating a high resolution digital file, color proofing to match your original art, and sending you a copy of the digital file for your own use.
We keep a copy of your file on our secure server for easy future ordering.

Original Art Capture Pricing
The cost for original art capture is determined by measuring the outside dimensions of your original, not just the image area. So please be sure to enter the correct size.
Scanning Costs:
- Up to 1 square foot: $50 (i.e. 4x5, 5x7, 8x10, 9x12)
- Up to 2 square feet: $65 (i.e. 11x14, 12x18)
- Up to 3 square feet: $80 (i.e. 16x20, 18x24)
- Up to 4 square feet: $100 (i.e. 20x24)
- Up to 5 square feet: $115 (i.e.20x30, 24x30)
- Up to 6 square feet: $130 (i.e. 24x36)
- Up to 7 square feet: $145 (i.e. 28x36, 30x30)
- Up to 8 square feet: $160 (i.e. 30x36)
- Up to 9 square feet: $177 (i.e. 32x40, 36x36)
- Up to 10 square feet: $200 (i.e. 36x40)
- 10+ Square feet: $200 + $25 per additional sqft
We also offer volume discounts for having us capture multiple pieces at one time. The discount rate is:
- 2-5 pieces: 10% discount
- 6-9 pieces: 20% discount
- 10+ pieces: 30% discount
Please note, bringing in multiple originals may increase overall turnaround time

Scanning Slides or Transparencies
One 35mm slide or negative - $45
35 mm slide and negative scanning discounts:
- 2-3 - 15% discount
- 4-5 - 25% discount
- 6-7 - 35% discount
- 10 or more - 40%